
İTÜ leads highly recognized research and entrepreneurship that shapes the future. We know the need to pioneer in science and technology at a global scale; because our aims are high...


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Research Projects




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Araştırma Haberleri

Scientific Expedition from ITU to Antarctica! Görseli
Scientific Expedition from ITU to Antarctica!

On February 6, a research team set off from Istanbul for the 9th Antarctic Science Expedition (TAE IX). Our faculty member Prof. Dr. Burcu Özsoy is serving as the National Antarctic Science Expedition Coordinator, while our other faculty members from the Department of Geomatics Engineering, Prof. Dr. Hasan Hakan Yavaşoğlu and Dr. Mustafa Fahri Karabulut, and Özgün Oktar from the Department of Maritime Transportation and Management Engineering are also part of the team.

Innovations Will Empower Scientific Studies and Projects at ITU! Görseli
Innovations Will Empower Scientific Studies and Projects at ITU!

ITU has made significant changes aimed at promoting scientific studies and increasing the widespread impact of project outcomes, with the goal of conducting research processes more efficiently and effectively.

Latest Developments from the TerrArctic Project Focusing on Polar Regions and Climate Change Risks Görseli
Latest Developments from the TerrArctic Project Focusing on Polar Regions and Climate Change Risks

Prof. Dr. Orhan İnce, faculty member of the ITU Environmental Engineering Department, shared the latest developments following field research in the polar regions of Russia regarding the TerrArctic Project, of which he is the scientific director and research leader.

Kick-off Meeting in Germany, of the FaiR Fashion Project in Partnership with ITU Görseli
Kick-off Meeting in Germany, of the FaiR Fashion Project in Partnership with ITU

The kick-off meeting of the FaiR Fashion project was held at the Hochschule Niederrhein in Mönchengladbach, Germany, in which ITU is an important partner and Dr. Zeynep Erden Bayazıt, from the Department of Management Engineering, is one of the executives. Offering a model that encourages a circular economy and sustainable consumption habits, the project aims to bring female innovators to a leadership position in the future of sustainable fashion.

THE WUR 2025: ITU's Success in Research and Industry Income Rankings Görseli
THE WUR 2025: ITU's Success in Research and Industry Income Rankings

With its research and innovation-focused vision, ITU maintained its place in the 501-600 range last year despite the increase in the number of universities evaluated in THE World University Rankings (THE WUR) 2025 and improved its position within this range. ITU also demonstrated significant success in the research income and industry income metrics

TÜBİTAK 1001 Support to Our Faculty Member in the Field of Food Technology Görseli
TÜBİTAK 1001 Support to Our Faculty Member in the Field of Food Technology

ITU Department of Food Engineering faculty member Dr. Gülay Özkan’s project, which aims to obtain value-added products in the field of food technology by using agricultural wastes and local resources, was entitled to support under TÜBİTAK 1001 in the 1st period of 2024. The project team also includes Prof. Dr. Funda Karbancıoğlu Güler and Res. Asst. Dilara Devecioğlu.

TÜBİTAK 1001 Program Support for 7 Projects from ITU Görseli
TÜBİTAK 1001 Program Support for 7 Projects from ITU

7 academics from ITU were deemed worthy of support for their projects in the 1st period of 2024 within the scope of TÜBİTAK Scientific and Technological Research Projects Funding Program.

Kickoff Meeting of the Techwell Project Focusing on Technology Addiction was Held Görseli
Kickoff Meeting of the Techwell Project Focusing on Technology Addiction was Held

The kickoff meeting of the Technological Wellness for Young People (TechWell) Project, coordinated by ITU and focusing on combating smartphone and technology addiction, was hosted by ITU.

TÜBİTAK Research Scholarship to Our Students Görseli
TÜBİTAK Research Scholarship to Our Students

ITU PhD students Hatice Kübra Özkan and Çiğdem Çakıcı were entitled to receive TÜBİTAK 2214-A PhD Research Fellowship. With this scholarship, our students will conduct scientific research abroad.

TÜBİTAK Research Scholarship to Our Lecturer Görseli
TÜBİTAK Research Scholarship to Our Lecturer

ITU lecturer Gülçin Kubat was entitled to receive “2214-A PhD Research Fellowship” given by TÜBİTAK.

Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships Information Event Görseli
Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships Information Event

The experience sharing event for researchers who want to apply for the Horizon Europe Programme Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024 call was held at our Ayazağa campus on May 31.

Sustainable Land Use in the Arctic Görseli
Sustainable Land Use in the Arctic

ITU Department of Environmental Engineering faculty member Prof. Dr. Orhan İnce became the scientific coordinator and research leader of the Russia-based TerrArctic Project. With this project, Prof. Dr. Orhan İnce and his team aim to develop sustainable land use in the Arctic.

Bee2B University-Industry Cooperation Meetings Started Görseli
Bee2B University-Industry Cooperation Meetings Started

ITU faculty members met with company representatives at the first “Bee2B University-Industry Cooperation Meeting” held at Ayazağa Campus Süleyman Demirel Cultural Center on May 17, 2024.

Horizon Europe Program Financial Issues Training for Our Researchers Görseli
Horizon Europe Program Financial Issues Training for Our Researchers

“Horizon Europe Program Financial Issues Training”, organized jointly by TÜBİTAK and ITU Projects and Commercialization Management Office, took place at Disaster Management Institute on May 3, 2024.

2024 Academic Performance Awards Excitement at ITU Görseli
2024 Academic Performance Awards Excitement at ITU

ITU Academic Performance Awards were given for the third time this year at a ceremony on April 25. Our academics were awarded in three categories for their scientific work.

Support from European Union to Our Faculty Members’ Project TechWell Görseli
Support from European Union to Our Faculty Members’ Project TechWell

TechWell Project, coordinated by ITU and focusing on combating smartphone and technology addiction, has been entitled to receive EU funding. The project with international partners will be led by Prof. Dr. Bülent Güloğlu, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adnan Veysel Ertemel and Lecturer Dr. Alper Yurttaş.

Research on Agricultural Residues from ITU Görseli
Research on Agricultural Residues from ITU

The research project conducted under the direction of ITU Department of Environmental Engineering faculty member Prof. Dr. Orhan İnce and based on the valorization of agricultural residues through anaerobic digestion was completed on August 17, 2023.

New Stage in Mars Research in Lake Salda Görseli
New Stage in Mars Research in Lake Salda

In the research on Lake Salda, carried out by a group of about 30 US scientists together with ITU Faculty of Mines faculty member Prof. Dr. Nurgül Balcı, after the similarity of the lake with the Jezero crater on Mars was determined, a new stage started, focusing on the geological and climatic history of Mars.

Scholarship from TUBITAK to our PhD Student Researching the First Women Engineers of Türkiye Görseli
Scholarship from TUBITAK to our PhD Student Researching the First Women Engineers of Türkiye

ITU Department of History of Science and Technology PhD student Gül Aydın will be conducting studies as a visiting researcher at the Chair of Science, Technology and Gender Studies at Friedrich Alexander University, one of the few departments in Europe focusing on a specialized field, with TUBITAK 2214-A PhD research fellowship.

Best Paper Award to Our Student Görseli
Best Paper Award to Our Student

Faculty of Electrical and Electronics PhD student Ege Engin was awarded the “TSP Best Student Paper Award” for the article he wrote with Prof. Dr. Hakan Ali Çırpan and Dr. İbrahim Hökelek.