
İTÜ leads highly recognized research and entrepreneurship that shapes the future. We know the need to pioneer in science and technology at a global scale; because our aims are high...


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Araştırma Haberleri

Our Graduate Receives First Prize in Covid-19 Global Outbreak Special Award from TÜBA Görseli
Our Graduate Receives First Prize in Covid-19 Global Outbreak Special Award from TÜBA

Our graduate Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özgür Şafak Şeker was awarded the “First Prize in the Field of Diagnosis” in Special Award for Covid-19 Global Outbreak organized by TÜBA Academy Council.

6 Patent Awards for Inventions from ITU Görseli
6 Patent Awards for Inventions from ITU

İTÜNOVA TTO won a total of 6 awards with the patented inventions it supported in various fields at the 6th ISIF’21 International Inventions Fair.

University-Industry Cooperation for Effective Fight against Forest Fires Görseli
University-Industry Cooperation for Effective Fight against Forest Fires

Two BAP projects developed and carried out with the aim of “effective fight against fires” were given support with the cooperation of Istanbul Technical University Scientific Research Projects (BAP) and STFA Investment Holding Group.

Great Support to Our Faculty Member from European Union Görseli
Great Support to Our Faculty Member from European Union

Our Electronics and Communication Engineering Faculty Member Dr. Onur Ergen’s project titled “QUEEN” has been awarded the prestigious Horizon Europe European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant.

“2021 Turkey Efficiency Project Award” to Our Faculty Member Görseli
“2021 Turkey Efficiency Project Award” to Our Faculty Member

“2021 Turkey Efficiency Project Awards” organized under the auspices of the Ministry of Industry and Technology were given to their owners. The project titled “Development of New Grinding Technologies for Ceramic Industry - Efficiency Grinding Technology”, in which our faculty member Prof. Dr. Hasan Ergin participates, won an award.

“Innovative Healthcare Professional of the Year Award” to Our Faculty Member Görseli
“Innovative Healthcare Professional of the Year Award” to Our Faculty Member

In 5. Doktorclub Awards Turkey’s Healthcare Awards ceremony, our faculty member Prof. Dr. Hatice Camgöz Akdağ won an award in “Innovative Healthcare Professional of the Year” category.

Award to ITU Team from Big Bang Start-up Challenge Competition Görseli
Award to ITU Team from Big Bang Start-up Challenge Competition

In the Big Bang Start-up Challenge event supported by ITU Çekirdek, in which the best initiatives are determined every year, the project of the ITU team named “Kozalak (Pinecone)” was among the top three startups.

Support from TÜBİTAK to Our University’s Research Projects Görseli
Support from TÜBİTAK to Our University’s Research Projects

There are 9 projects from ITU among the research projects decided to be scientifically supported, which are proposed in the second period of 2021 within the framework of “Scientific and Technological Research Projects Funding Program”.

First Prize to ITU from Green Dot Student Awards Görseli
First Prize to ITU from Green Dot Student Awards

Our university team was awarded the first prize in the category of "Prevention Practices in Packaging" at the Green Dot Student Awards organized by the ÇEVKO Foundation.

ITU Ranks Second in the Most Cited Scientists List Görseli
ITU Ranks Second in the Most Cited Scientists List

According to the international ranking agency Alper-Doger (AD) Scientific Index, ITU became one of the universities with the highest number of academics in 2022 “Turkey’s Top 10,000 Scientists” list.

Turkey’s First Cavitation Tunnel Opened at ITU Görseli
Turkey’s First Cavitation Tunnel Opened at ITU

Turkey’s first “Large Cavitation Tunnel and Maneuvering Experiment System” (KATMANSİS) was opened with a ceremony held at ITU Faculty of Naval Architecture and Ocean Sciences with the participation of the President of Defence Industries Prof. Dr. İsmail Demir.

Award from Design Week Turkey to ITU Team Görseli
Award from Design Week Turkey to ITU Team

Our university team was granted the “Good Design Award” at the Design Week Turkey 2021 Award Ceremony organized by the Turkish Exporters Assembly (TİM) with the coordination of the Ministry of Trade.

Great Success of ITU Architecture Students Görseli
Great Success of ITU Architecture Students

The Architecture Students Awards given by the Architectural Education Association (ArchED) found their owners. In the ArchED 2021 Student Project Competition, which was held for the twentieth time this year, ITU Department of Architecture students won 10 of the 20 awards in the competition.

ITU is in the Top 3 among Research Universities Görseli
ITU is in the Top 3 among Research Universities

Research universities determined by CoHE within the scope of the Research-Oriented Mission Differentiation Program announced.

ITU’s Media Visibility Increases Görseli
ITU’s Media Visibility Increases

Media and social media studies on the public perception of Istanbul Technical University were evaluated in light of the data provided by the Interpress Media Monitoring Center. In the media analysis report prepared for 2020 and 2021, ITU drew attention with the increase in the number of newspaper, internet, and TV news compared to the previous year. In 2021, ITU continued its rise in social media and traditional media channels.

ITU is a Partner of Innovative Software Competition (Y3) Program Görseli
ITU is a Partner of Innovative Software Competition (Y3) Program

Istanbul Technical University (ITU) will be among the organizers of the Innovative Software Competition (Y3) organized by the Presidency of Defence Industries (SSB). ITU will be responsible for organizing the competition “Reinforcement Learning Based Herd Strategy Development” and developing the software and algorithms required for the competition environment in the 3rd term of the program.

Support from TÜBİTAK to Our Faculty Member Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Reza Nofar’s Project Görseli
Support from TÜBİTAK to Our Faculty Member Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Reza Nofar’s Project

ITU Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department faculty member Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Reza Nofar’s project proposed within the framework of TÜBİTAK – 2507 Research Projects, Bilateral Cooperation Support Program with German Research Foundation (DFG) was granted support.

Our Faculty Member’s Project Submitted to TÜBİTAK “POLAR 1001” 2021 Call Is Granted Support Görseli
Our Faculty Member’s Project Submitted to TÜBİTAK “POLAR 1001” 2021 Call Is Granted Support

Results of the scientific evaluation of projects submitted to TÜBİTAK “POLAR 1001” 2021 call were announced. Our faculty member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Uğur Algancı’s project proposed within the framework of “POLAR 1001” is granted support.

ITU and TİM Develop Domestic Solar Panels for Cube Satellites Görseli
ITU and TİM Develop Domestic Solar Panels for Cube Satellites

Studies for “Multifunctional Solar Panels in Nano, Micro and Cube Satellites R&D Project” implemented within the scope of the collaboration between Istanbul Technical University (ITU) and Turkish Exporters Assembly (TİM) continue at ITU laboratories without cutting speed. ITU Rector Prof. Dr. İsmail Koyuncu and Turkish Exporters Assembly (TİM) Chairman İsmail Gülle examined the studies at ITU Space Systems Design and Test Laboratory (USTTL).

Turkey’s First and Only Office of the Dean of Research Established at ITU Görseli
Turkey’s First and Only Office of the Dean of Research Established at ITU

ITU Office of the Dean of Research (ARDEK), which aims to provide innovative solutions to meet the needs of universities, public institutions and various sectors and to make internal and external R&D culture permanent, stands out as Turkey's first and only office of the dean of research.