
İTÜ leads highly recognized research and entrepreneurship that shapes the future. We know the need to pioneer in science and technology at a global scale; because our aims are high...


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Araştırma Haberleri

Humboldt Research Award to our Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Cengiz Yıldırım Görseli
Humboldt Research Award to our Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Cengiz Yıldırım

ITU Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Cengiz Yıldırım was given the Humboldt Research Award, one of Germany’s prestigious science awards, given by Alexander von Humboldt (AvH) Foundation.

“Excellent Innovation” for Treatment of Alzheimer’s by Prof. Dr. Yusuf Yağcı Görseli
“Excellent Innovation” for Treatment of Alzheimer’s by Prof. Dr. Yusuf Yağcı

ITU Faculty of Arts and Sciences Department of Chemistry Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Yusuf Yağcı and Dr. Antonino Puglisi’s research project NANOMOP on the Niemann-Pick Type C (NP-C) disease known as “Childhood Alzheimer’s, conducted within the framework of European Union (EU) Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Program, was selected as Excellent Innovation by the European Commission.