Research Projects Budget
Research Projects
Research Centers
ITU and Umeå University (Sweden) collaborated for monitoring Ergene River. The vehicles produced will also be used in the seas and oceans.
Our faculty members Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tufan Kumbasar and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Altun were deemed worthy of “IEEE Türkiye Research Encouragement Award” as part of 2023 IEEE Türkiye Science Awards.
The nano-tattoo sensor that does not require a battery and a cable, developed by Asst. Prof. Dr. Onur Ergen from ITU Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering and Lect. Kristen D. Belcastro from Yeditepe University, opens the door to many innovative applications.
The project prepared by our faculty members Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tolga Görüm and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cüneyd Demirel with an international team under the direction of Prof. Dr. Erkan İstanbulluoğlu from Washington University was granted support by NASA.
ITU has signed a protocol with Sabancı University covering various fields. The cooperation between the two universities covers various topics ranging from advanced vehicle technologies to product development.
An international camp was held at ITU as part of the DIGIWATER project. Students, and stakeholders from industry and academia came together at the camp held at ITU MEMTEK on March 15-17, 2023 to share and develop new applications of digital technologies in the water sector.
ITU Department of Food Engineering faculty member Prof. Dr. Esra Çapanoğlu Güven’s project Oil4food was granted support within the scope of PRIMA Program’s 2022 Section 2 call.
ITU Food Engineering faculty member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Derya Kahveci Karıncaoğlu has been awarded “The Kerry Upcycled Food Foundation Fellowship”, which is given to eight researchers worldwide every year to support research on upcycled foods.
The studies of ITU faculty members and their teams continue to be crowned with new invention successes. New patent registrations were obtained for original studies in different fields such as materials science, textile, water treatment, biochemistry and mechanics.
At the opening seminar held on January 17 at our university’s Taşkışla Campus as part of the ITU-Japan Earthquake Research Project, innovative energy damping systems were discussed. At the seminar, speakers from ITU and Kanagawa University made presentations on the work of the project teams.
ITU hosted an important international meeting on renewable energy. The kick-off meeting of “A Greek-Turkish Solar Energy Excellence Hub to Advance the European Green Deal” was held at Ayazağa Campus Süleyman Demirel Cultural Center on January 23.
The active learning project prepared by ITU was granted support by the British Council under the “Connect4Innovation: UK-Turkey Higher Education Institutional Partnerships” call. The two-year project will enable the development of an “active learning model” that includes students, graduates, academics and industry partners. University of Strathclyde will support the project with its experience.
ITU Gümüşsuyu Campus is hosting the “Textile Machinery from Past to Present” Exhibition. Organized with the contributions of İTHİB and İHKİB, the exhibition is the first laboratory test equipment exhibition held in a university.
ITU and BIAA will take place “The 4th Workshop on Rainwater Collection in Public Spaces” in Istanbul. The workshop, which will be held as part of the “Water in Istanbul” project, will bring together many public institutions addressing water management in Istanbul.
With the signature in Paris on November 14, ITU joined the Digital Europe Program. This program, developed within the scope of university-industry cooperation, aims to train qualified workforce in areas such as robotics, IoT, and cyber security.
ITU Maritime Faculty, Deck and Navigation Engineering Department faculty member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tanzer Satır’s project was entitled to be supported according to the results of the 2021 call of the “2514 TÜBİTAK and MESU Bilateral Cooperation Program”.
As ITU prepares to celebrate its 250th Anniversary, it brings a new perspective to engineering education with the motto “Transform the Future”.
9th Geochemistry Symposium was organized by ITU in Aydın, Didim on 17-20 October. Scientists from various universities around the world showed great interest in the symposium.
The academics of ITU continue to make important inventions. The inventions made by our faculty members and their teams received patent registration from various countries around the world.
Istanbul Technical University (ITU) and Ericsson signed a cooperation protocol. With this protocol, the two institutions will carry out projects on software security.